Tuesday, February 09, 2010

I'm 18 years old already!
I'm getting older already!
yesterday was my birthday!
had celebration with friends.

after school went home, bathe and change.
went to meet chris at marina sqaure.
went to eat yuki yaki.
i reach there around 3 plus.
omg do not have enough time for ice cream.
went to walk walk and we settle at andersen for ice cream.
hahas.. hahas. she paid everything for me. (:
around 7 plus she meeting her friend, so i does not want to be light bulb i went to meet bel. at her working place.
waited for her to end work.
pei her go home bathe and change.
i went home to put itouch if i never put i can ton on that day.
after putting itouch i went out again with bel.
we went to sk. we went to mall, plaza and back to mall.
that all for that day.

went out with tricia, huiping, bel.
we went to yuki yaki again.
this time i had the ice cream.
the taste not bad.. we had so much fun eating the ice cream.
after eating we went to walk walk.
then we went to amk. we went to sing.
after singing went to hub to buy tricia bag.
at there we saw nyssa and nichol.
so coincidence. so long didnt see them alrdy.
after buying bag tricia went back home.
not long after we went back home too..

was working at 8am. but i wake up at 7.30am.
does not have enough time for me to reach there.
so i told manager i will late. hahas.
reach there 8.30am.
start to do stuff.
ended work at 3pm.
went off with amy, and back home to clear my room.
tiring day.

this date is the day i was born.
and now i was 18 years old.
omg. that was fcuking fast..
so many people wish me happy birthday.
but the sad thing is that my close friend didnt wish me.
how sad am i. haiish..
mayb i not as important as ur other friends.
went out to catch movie with bel and her boyf.
the movie we watched was 'the spy next door'
i knw the movie was out very long. cuz i dun have time to catch movie.
at first i thought he can meet and go with us.
but i was wrong. he didnt even contact me.
so sad! but is okay, as long as we are back to normal.

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