Monday, December 28, 2009

you are the only person that i don't have difficulties to talk to about my weakness or the outer side of myself.
only you are the only 1 that i have the courage to say those things infront of you.
i do not know why i don't have the fear to say out the things.
i always wanted to find a person to talk to about those i have.
after you had been working with me i found out that you are the only person i don't have a big distance.
although some of you are close to me but i still do not dare to talk about that with you guys.
only you *** that i have the courage to tell/share with you about those things i have.
i think you should know what i'm thinking.
only you know that whenever got people say me/give me names i would burst into tears.
only infront of you i speak of those i won't burst into tears.
i wanted to chill and not think about those things that happened in the afternoon.
i know people would make fun of me/ give me names but only you and others won't.
i'm happy to have you, tricia, huiping and others that don't mind to be my friends.

just wanted to say:
heyz friends,
thanks for being my friend all these times. i won't forget those times that you all treat me so well. i'm glad to have you all as my friends. i know after you all read this, you all willcome and tell me that you all will be my friend is my character is not about my appearance. but appearance is impotant isn't it? and you all will come and say" heyz cheer up." "don't care about them. they are just jealous". i know you all just to cheer me up. i know you all are just wei le wo hao.
last but not least. thanks.

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