Wednesday, May 21, 2008

all those picture is during F&N excursion. We went to shatec for course. it was quite fun actually. but we went there is like wrong timing llorhhs.. most of them are having lesson. then suddenly the person juz open the door and introduce wad type of courses they have. and they have such a big kitchens, bakery kitchens, and even classroom toos.!! and they oso have a bar ,which is for them to learn how to recognise wad type of wine is tat!! TAT IS COOL!! OMG!! iie wan go there llarhhs.. and recently i gort back my result. although my paper iie gort 5 subject pass, so but overall iie still fail. iie onli pass 3 subject. tat is ridiculous. no choice who ask mie so lazy to study. den in the end gort tis type of result den at the kpkb. i was happy to today as, at first ie regretted to go to shatec for tat course but at last ie neber regret goin. quite fun....

gort to go and have mye dinner. HAVE FUN guys ....

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