Tuesday, December 05, 2006
someting happened..
after eating we went back to escape .
den we choosing wad game to play den we decided to play flipper..den gort a group of boiis take piicx of the machine or us? cause we are facing them .. but iie did nort see them wen they taking the picx..my frenx look at them around 3 second like tat .. but luckly iie put my head down .. muhahahaha.. den we juz like aiiya dun care lla..
maybe they taking the machine llorz..so we dun care. den we went to sit the rainbow den we saw those guy agaiin den gort a white shirt guy with them den the white shirt guy take out his hp and he kiss his phone 3 times so we still dunno whyye he kissing his own phone.. so we juz forget abt tat incident llorz..
to azleena n marilyn : iie habe wriite sth liaoz..dun sae iie neber wriite liaoz horz..
Saturday, November 18, 2006
siian..haiis ...
hellos~iie am here to blog agaiin. muhahahahahhahahaha... although my old classmates keep ask miie to blog but iie dunno wad to wriite... iie am so super duper suay llorz.. iie gort iinto the last class... so siian.. somemore most of the ppl iie dunno dhe.. last class siia.. iie wan POA not F&N llorz.. STUPID sch.. still ask my mummy to cook her dinner in the end she neber come back for dinner... stupid... so sad...en happy too .. for my fren.. hope they can last berii long.. |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
happy...holidays are here!!
anyways..iie shall wriite until here!!! next tiime den wriite ba... en iie oso dunno wad to wriite..!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
here iit goes ...
[1]single,taken or crushing?
[2] Are you happy with your life now?
yupp..but not verii happy
[3] When you meet the right person, do you fall in love with him fast?
iie guess so bahx..
[4]Have you ever had your heartbroken?
yesh..who dun heartbroken
[5]Do you believe there are some circumstances where cheating love is acceptable?
[6]Would you take someone back if he cheats on you?
mayb..or no.
[7]Have you talk about marriage with another before?
ii tiink onlii gurls den tok about tiis..
[8]Do you want children?
[9]How many?
[10]Would you consider adoption?
whyye not...
[11]If someone like you right now, what do you thing is the best way to let you know his feelings?
by askiin or wan to knw more abt miie
[12]Do you enjoy getting into relationships?
not really..
[13]Be honest,what is the furthest you and your ex did?
[14]Do you believe in love at first sight?
[15] Are you romantic?
erm..not sure
[16]Do you believe you can change someone?
[17] If you could married somewhere, where would it be?
[18]Do you easily give in when you are fighting?
[19]Do you have feelings for someone right now?
[20]Have you ever wished that you could have had someone but you messed it up?
[21]Have you ever broken a heart?
[22]If one day your best friend fall in love with the guy you are deeply in love with, what would you do?
by askiin my best friend en iib they both love each other ii will let my best friend be together wiib the guy tat iie deeply iin love with..
[23]Are you missing someone now?
yupp...ii miss hiim berii much..
Saturday, August 19, 2006
iie so sad todae ..
he like tat like he dun wan miie lle..like wan slient break llorx..HOW wad iib he realli wan break llehz??
can anyone tell miie wad to do ??shld iie giibe hiim freedom or giibe hiim tiime ??
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
todae iis National Day!
berii tired siia . . all wan chicken burger . . quite alot of ppl buy fish burger . .but prawn burger still got ppl buy . . quite fun ysd . . bud we spent alot of money . . xD
haha . .miie en hiim habe stead for 9 daes le bahx ...plus todae . .
"dear iie will love ue forever dhe .. !!"
iie hope iie en hiim will last long . .
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
so happiie . .
. . 31st juLy . .
iie was so happiie . . tat iie gort stead liiaoz. . . he treat miie berii good. . iie reallii lurbe hiim alot . . hope we can last . . "chriis iie love ue lots . . "xD . .
ChrIIs, iie reallii wiish can be wiib ue forever . . iie reallii do !! . .
wen iie tell ue iie was siick , ue liike berii tan xiin wo . . iie wo so happiie ue weii lle wo . . so worry about miie . . iie was so gan dong . . en ue keep ask miie go slp first . . but iie did nort go to slp . . ii'm so soriie . . en iie ask ue nort to worry for miie en iie will take care of myself . . ue seem liike dun trust miie . . but iie knw ue juz worry for miie . .
SORRIE . .rang ni dan xiin lle . .
[2 daes .]
Saturday, July 15, 2006
dhe CutesT bOii iin mOii camP . . .

cutE horZ . . .cuTe riitex???
yoyo!! iie here to update lle . . . iie tell ue all . . wen iie go for moii camp at 10july -12july horz . . iie gort a instructOr name ellis . . he berii cute llehz . . . alot of gurlx liike hiim siia . . . miie too . . . hehex . . he iis damn cute llorz . . . iie will show ue all hiis piicx . . . he damn cutE en shuaii llorz . . . hope to see hiim agaiin . . . miiss all the instructOr oso . . . haiis . . . iie frm the first dae wen dey come to our skool tat tiime iie saw hiim . . iie liike kan san ta lle . . . how . . he iis damn cute llorz . . . he caught my eyes wen he came to our skool . . . haiis . . . he like our superstar wen the last 2 daes or dhe last dae . . . haiis . . . moii frenx gort hiis signature llorz . . miie so jealous llorz . . . den moii frenx keep action to miie sae "iie gort hiis signature llehz . . . den yesterdae iie almost cry out llehz . . cuz iie realli cant stand her . . . keep on action llorz . . . iie oso hope gort hiis signature llorz . . . but moii klass move to fast llehz . . . aiiyo . . sad sad. . . ahhhhhhhhhhhh. . . iie feel liike slappiin her . . . iie realli cant stand her . . .iie wan hiis signature too . . . but how to get??
Thursday, July 13, 2006
sad . . .
the camp gort 1 berii cute boii boii llehz . . . he call ellies[iie tiink iis like tat spell bahx . . ]he so cute llorz. . . most of the gurlx at e camp dere liike hiim llorz . . .iie liike hiim too . . . but iie dun dare to tok to hiim . . . iie onlii secretly see hiim . . . on the campfire night iie keep stariin at hiim he so cute llorz . . . haiis . . . en so many gurlx around hiim . . . haiis . . . miiss hiim so much iie stilll cry becuz ob hiim llehz . . . ysd . . .hope we gort yuan fen den can see hiim een ask hiim for num or email . . en the guy iie sae iin compass but the first tiime iie saw hiim iis in tampines. . . tiis november iie tiink iie can see hiim again . . . en iie can get hiis num too . . . heheh. . . but iie dunno he call wadd name . . .hehe . . .
iie will try to update everydae. . .
siianx ar . . . tml gort guzheng practice . . . haiix . . . en iie lost moii nails den habe to buy new dhe . . .cost 25 dollar llehz . . . no money liiaoz . . .
Friday, June 23, 2006
tOdaE so HaPpiie

clariice en janelle .miie en clariice .

clariice en azleena .clariice .

gr0up .
so0 l0ng neber updatE liiaoz . . haha . . ysd went out wiib moii bestiie . . but 0onlii 4 of us but iit iis quiite fun . . cuz we wen to kb0x . .
wahaha . . at fiirst miie wake up at 9 den iie habe to giib azleena a wake up call. iie tiink at 930 bahx . . went iie wen to her hse en waiit for her . . wen she goiin to come out she had a fiight wiib her bro siia . . her bro iis damn fierce llorz . . lucky nort moii bro iif nort iie will diie . . den we went to library[hate to go library]but no choice habe to go wiib azleena . .
den we went to century square to eat our breadfast plus lunch . . lolx . den iie saw clarice en janelle haha . . den dey went down to habe their breadfast plus lunch too . . actually miie en azleena eat finish already den we decide to play com at the foodcourt . . den suddenly got two ppl frm our back den miie en azleena tot who siia. . actually iish clarice en janelle. .
den we went to suntec's kb0x . . den at fiirst miie en azleena iish damn paii seh llehz..but for awhile we started to sing already...hahax..den we take piicx . . haiish janelle iish goiin back on 8th july bahx..haiish[janelle miiss ue so much] clariice still sae got 1 guy who work at the kb0x berii cute llehz...[0okkay lla...]
nex tiime goiin to takke neo priint xD . . hahax . .
Saturday, June 17, 2006
h0mew0rk . . h0mew0rk . . .
iie tiink mon can g0 0ut agaiin but muz g0 back to skool fiRst . . . habe mock exam llorz...so siian...dunno dey see the miid year result oor. the rePort book dhe llehz..iib see rePort book dhe iie no need to go baCk fer MathS but habe to go Back fer geography en hiist0ry . . .oso dunno wad to stuDy fer hiist0ry dey oso neber sae...wa kaoz..like tat still wan us go fer mock exAm siia . . .StuPid..
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
siicK . . .
haiish . . todae feel so terrible . . cuz iie cant realli swallow moii saliva . . liike got soar throat llorz . . berii xiin ku . . haiish . . iie tiink iish ysd eat too much chocolate en forget to driink lots of water bahx . . . nw liike got fever llehz . . .ii hope iie can no need to go to sch on frii . . .cuz got cca . . so siianx . . . hao xiin ku ar . .haiix hope can sum1 care abt miie . . .feel liike dyiin siia . . .
haiish. . .nw got worldcup dench moii father everydae wan watch =( [sobsob] bbut neber miind lla . . juz watch llorz . . brb iie go take moii Temperature fiirst see whether iie got fever annot...waiit arr. . . . iie will tell ue the tempreture . . .iit muz be berii hiigh bahx . . . iie tiink iie got fever lle bahx...en todae moii sis came back frm camp . . wahahahahahahah . . . en sad too . . .open skool abt a few weeks lata iie oso will habe camp..at changi siia...dunno where...hope dere got nth...[ue shld knw . . ]haiish . . so sad no fever . . .the temperature iish 36.87 haiiz....so sad...no fever . .
Thursday, June 01, 2006
YSD night
the most funny tiing iish tat last year we had class gather ar...den ii saw hiim ii damn shy llorz...not even tat ar...last year sept we make a promise wiif the gurlx tat we muz go back to the prii skool at the first year we at sec 1 so we meet nn we go back together den ii saw hiim inside the skool ii was damn paiiseii llorz...wad kkaoz...at first ii saw hiim inside the prii skool ii sae:wa kaoz..saw tat suay ren...hahahx. . .
buaii buaii. . . nn ii wont everytiime undate dde la...ii oso dunno wadd to wriite...
Saturday, May 27, 2006
holiidae . . .
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
exam exam exam . . .
exam exam exam...after exam has to take the result den verii bad cannot go out siia..how???so siian de llorz...den moii sis will ask miie do work or help to keep the house clean dde...damn wad siia...last tiime moii mum dun let miie go out for about a month bahx..so boriin at home dde llorz...dden ii nw liike seldom tok on the fone liiaoz lorz...den got nth to do..den ii have to eat, sleep den eat againsleep verii easy fat de lehz..so boriin llorz....
den todae moii teacher tell miie nn moii fren tat after exam we have camp..actually ii verii happi 1 but den horx...wad iif lata ii nn moii fren buay song each other dden we have to go 1 by 1 llorz...wadd iif saw those tiing how???dden diie llorz...
diie lla...ii got alot of subject faiil lehz...diie...[haish]whyye ii so stupid 1???cant study well...wan to pass oso verii difficult haix...ii muz improve moii other subject nn speak good english...[wa kaoz muz be damn difficult dde] confirm 1
kkhz next tme den wriite more...
to all moii frenx...ii wiill sure update more dde...dun worry....
Monday, May 22, 2006
sk00l holidae iish comiin..
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
haiish . . .
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Mrs Ser is nt in skool....
den she teach de not fun 1..not liike ms kelly goh so fun somrtiimes..she wiill teach the iimportant tiing wen exam wiill come out dde...den mrs ser teach wont come out dde...teach oso no use...wa kaoz..nn the worst tiing iin her class she wiill scold ppl for nothiin..bbut got 1 tiing she wont giive tests...
kkhz la..notiing to say liiaoz....sso nextt tiime dden wriite more...nn take care...buai buai....wiish mrs ser wont come back so fast....hehex..
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
whyye sch got so much tiing to do?
liike we r rOborT siia...as iif we nno need to stUdy n dO homeWork 1 arHx...StupId teaCher..
Monday, March 13, 2006
gtg...to do moii homeworkk....got alot to do sia....buai..
Saturday, March 11, 2006
BoRin at home . . .
sumtiimes i can playy com for verii long tiime sooo i wont be bored!!!hahax...ii tiink euu will tiink i amm a borin gurlx...bud sumtiimes i can be verii crazy....
next tiime denn wriite long long de....buai..buai....